Your partner for untapping the full potential of TSO data

Combining power system expertise with big data analytics, rapid software development and AI

What we do?

logarithmo supports transmission system operators (TSOs) in generating value from their data. In close collaboration with the partner, we develop high-quality data-driven solutions and provide them as flexibly usable software tools tailor-made for the business needs (e.g. as web-based applications with high-quality visualizations or as integrable software module for existing IT systems).

How we do it?

We combine power system domain expertise (e.g. in the field of network modelling and TSO processes) with mathematical know-how (like optimization, machine learning, AI) and our technology and toolboxes for rapid software development. By this, we can implement tailor-made data-driven solutions within weeks/few months.

Special fields of expertise

We support you by a broad experience and toolbox for data analytics, power system and market modelling, power system optimization, anomaly detection, machine learning, and aritificial intelligence.

Fields of expertise include

  • Flow-based market coupling (capacity calculation and capacity allocation in CWE and Core regions)
  • Forecasting of generation, load, net positions and network loading
  • Optimization for congestion management, like redispatching, curtailment of renewables and control of flexible assets (like demand side management, storages, HVDC and PSTs)
  • Algorithmic solutions for a broad range of TSO processes, including network operations, operational planning and network extension planning, including expertise in tailor-made Optimal Power Flow (OPF) solutions for these processes
  • Analytics for extensive time series and network data (e.g. large sets of network models, measurements, forecast data)

Use high-quality visualizations like geographical visulizations of the network and a broad range of interactive analytics charts like time-series visualizations and heatmaps to make the data understandable and find unknown correlations
Gather the internal data in efficient data pools and analyze it with flexible analytics and monitoring modules
Enrich your internal database with the broad range of external data, e.g. publicly available data, market data, meteorological data, or data of other TSOs/DSOs
Give access
Make data easily accessible for all key users (not only database experts) by easy-to-use web applications and exports, by flexible interfaces (e.g. to Excel, MATLAB, Python, R) or by APIs

Analyze your historical data, find correlations and interdependencies, detect anomalies and find their root causes
Monitor new (e.g. live) data, detect anomalies and use early-warning mechanisms (e.g. in predictive analytics for operations and for maintenance)
Use the power of machine learning and AI to generate forecasts outperforming the status quo, e.g. by automatically finding correlations and relevant features based on your internal and external data
Use mathematical optimization (like OPF) for optimal decision making as part of e.g. operational planning (like redispatching, renewables curtailment or settings of transformers) or network extension planning (like optimal positioning and sizing of new assets or optimal timely sequence of extension projects)
Tools that can be applied include big data analytics, statistical analyses, optimization, OPF, machine learning based forecasting, anomaly detection, pattern recognition, AI

Rapid development
With our rapid prototyping technology we can realize proofs-of-concepts (PoCs) within weeks in collaboration with our partner
TSO experts have an idea for valuable data-driven solutions, we discuss the use case, select the right analytics tooling and implement the first PoC version of the solution.
Swift Protoype
Within weeks a software tool is developed enabling to verify the initial idea, share it with other users and give direct insights into the most promising direction of extension of the PoC.

Business needs should be the driver and guidance for data analytics and software tooling in order to generate value. Our experts (power system and market experts, engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists) support in finding the perfect match of business needs and suitable tooling.

We have different use cases which you can take a look at.







Click on the paper plane to contact us!

Phone: 023122613400
Address: Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 20, 44227 Dortmund

Opening hours:
Monday — Friday - 8:00 -- 18.00
Friday — Sunday - Closed